Mailjet - Poper Integrations

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Effortlessly enhance your website’s engagement and conversions with Poper and Mailjet integration.

Mailjet + Poper Integration
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About Mailjet Integration

The integration between Poper and Mailjet seamlessly combines intelligent popup generation with robust email marketing capabilities. Poper's AI-driven platform allows you to create engaging, context-aware popups that capture leads with ease.

These leads are then automatically sent to Mailjet, where you can manage and nurture them using advanced email automation workflows.

This powerful combination empowers businesses to boost their online engagement, streamline their lead capture processes, and drive higher conversions through personalized email marketing strategies.

Use Cases

Welcome New Visitors with Personalized Greetings

Leverage Poper to greet new visitors with personalized welcome popups. Capture their email addresses and automatically add them to your Mailjet contact list, then use Mailjet to send a personalized welcome email series.

Exit-Intent Popups to Capture Leads

Deploy exit-intent popups with Poper to capture visitors on the verge of leaving your website. These leads are sent directly to Mailjet where you can follow up with targeted email offers that encourage them to return and complete a transaction.

Promote E-Books and Courses with Download Links

Offer downloadable e-books and courses using Poper popups that capture visitor emails. These leads are then sent to Mailjet, where you can automate the sending of download links and follow-up emails to keep users engaged.

Send Discount Coupons and Special Offers

Use Poper to display timed promotional popups offering discount coupons and special deals. Capture the user's email and send it to Mailjet, where you can automate the delivery of the coupons and follow-up emails to drive sales.

Grow Your Newsletter Subscriber List

Encourage visitors to join your newsletter through Poper’s customized subscription popups. Collected emails are automatically added to your Mailjet list, allowing you to send regular newsletters and updates to keep your audience engaged.

Automated Sales Follow-Ups

Utilize Poper to capture leads with sales intent through personalized popups. These leads are sent to Mailjet, where you can set up automated sales follow-up emails to nurture potential customers into making a purchase.