Design & Customization

Best Way to Create Are You Sure Type Popups

I've seen firsthand how a well-placed "Are You Sure Popup?" or Yes/No popup can dramatically improve your opt-in rates – often by 4-5x. It's a smart way to grow your mailing list without frustrating your visitors. These types of popups can also be very effective for confirmations, like before deleting something.

We’ve made it super easy to implement these in Poper. Here’s how:

Step 1: Log in or Sign Up to Poper

First things first, head over to Poper and either log in to your existing account or create a new one. You'll need an account to access the popup builder.

Step 2: Start a New Are You Sure Popup Campaign

Create new Popup

Once you're logged in, click on the button that says "New Popup". This will take you to our template library, where you can choose the type of popup you want to create.

Step 3: Find the "Yes/No" or "Are You Sure?" Templates

Are you sure campaigns

In the search bar, type "Yes". This will filter the templates to show all the "Yes/No Campaigns" and "Are You Sure" options we have. We’ve got a variety of styles ready to go.

Step 4: Choose and Customize Your Template

Edit are you sure popup

Browse through the options and select the template that best fits your brand and campaign goals. Once you’ve selected a template, you can customize everything. Change the text, colors, fonts, and even the button actions.

Step 5: Save and Publish Your Popup

When you're happy with how your Are You Sure Popup looks and functions, click the "Save" button. This will save your changes. Then, click “Publish” to make it live on your website.

Step 6: Test Your Popup

Publish Are you sure popup

After publishing, it’s crucial to test the popup on your site. Make sure it appears when and where you expect it to, and that all the links and buttons are working correctly. This ensures your visitors have a smooth experience.

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